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Join West Yorkshire Voice

To have your say on decision about health and care in West Yorkshire.

West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership has asked Healthwatch to develop a network of people, groups and organisations to have a say in decisions about health and care in West Yorkshire.

What is West Yorkshire Voice?

West Yorkshire Voice is a network that will bring together individuals, groups, local panels, networks, and organisations to ensure the voice of people is at the heart of health and care decision-making in West Yorkshire. 

The network will complement existing engagement and involvement mechanisms that are already in place at a local level in Bradford District and Craven, Calderdale, Kirklees, Leeds and Wakefield District. It will be a new way of working with people, communities and organisations that will not replace or duplicate what is already taking place locally. West Yorkshire Voice will add to and build on those existing structures and what we know already.

What is the purpose of West Yorkshire Voice?

  • To bring the real voice of people with lived experience and unpaid carers to decision making
  • Give opportunity to those that may not normally be involved and include the voices of those with the greatest health inequalities
  • Form a key part of how NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board and our Partnership Board is held to account by the people of West Yorkshire
  • Connect the real lives and experiences of people with decision making
  • Enable and support diverse involvement and representation.

Who can join West Yorkshire Voice? 

The aim of West Yorkshire Voice is to reflect people and communities living across West Yorkshire. 

The network will have a database of: 

  • Individuals 
  • Community groups and organisations
  • Existing networks and panels in local places
  • NHS patient groups and networks
  • Voluntary sector organisations
  • Locally elected members 
  • NHS Trust Governors

How will West Yorkshire Voice work?

West Yorkshire Voice will take a whole system approach, working together with local councils, NHS and voluntary sector organisations as well as individuals to ensure that the voices of people and communities in West Yorkshire is heard.

The network will offer the opportunity for individuals, groups, organisations and networks locally and across West Yorkshire to join as members, by completing a membership form.  They will recieve regular information and updates about involvement opportunities and feedback on outcomes from previous engagement and involvement.

West Yorkshire Voice will have a core group of individuals that reflects the geography and diversity of West Yorkshire. This group will be the key voice of the network and hold decision makers to account and link directly to our NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board and Partnership Board Members. 

What next? 

To find out more or join West Yorkshire Voice you can either:


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