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Kirklees Adult Social Care – New CQC Inspections

Help needed from local groups and people with experience of Adult Social Care.

Kirklees Council’s Adult Social Care service needs help from groups and individuals to prepare for a new inspection from the Government’s Care Quality Commission that could happen at any time.

All local council Adult Social Care services now have to meet Care Quality Commission standards and will be inspected by CQC officers from December 2023 onwards. The inspection will look at 4 areas:

  • How people are supported
  • How equal and integrated support is provided
  • How people are kept safe
  • How the service is led and improved

Kirklees Council has already done a self-assessment based on these areas and is compiling evidence to support this. They also want to visit service user, carer and provider groups to get their views and let them know about the forthcoming inspection, in case the inspectors want to speak to them. Any information gathered will also be used to refresh the Kirklees Adult Social Care Vision in early 2024.

You can send information direct to them, or you can invite them to come and speak to your group by emailing –


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