'easy read' summary of the key details of the KiNETIC Network meeting on 2nd October 2023, including date, time, location and booking links, with illustrative icons.

KiNETIC Network Meeting – Monday 2nd October 2023

Come and tell us how you think the KiNETIC network is going so far, and what you’d like to see happen in the future.

'easy read' summary of the key details of the KiNETIC Network meeting on 2nd October 2023, including date, time, location and booking links, with illustrative icons.

Arrive at Brian Jackson House in Huddersfield (near the train and bus station) from 10am for coffee, tea and biscuits

The meeting will start at 10.30am

And will finish at 1pm

And there will be breaks and more drinks and snacks

You can stay to chat and have lunch from 1pm to 2pm

For this KiNETIC Network meeting we want to have a review of the network, and do some planning so that we can look for funding to help us keep going and do more things. We have asked a facilitator called Noreen to come along and guide us through some activities and discussions that will get us there.

We’ll start by thinking about what’s changed so far because of the network. They could be big or small changes, it all counts.

Then we’ll remind ourselves of all the things that we want to do as a Kirklees disability engagement network – they won’t all be for right away but it’s good to dream big and have the whole picture.

Then from there we’ll decide what are the things the KiNETIC Network needs to focus on first, and what will come later.

And finally we’ll talk about how we can achieve change as a Network: how we work together, and with others like Council people, politicians, and other organisations.

We’re going to be doing plenty of thinking and talking together. We’ll be in small groups around tables, and Noreen will guide us through each phase of discussion. We’ll capture our ideas and thinking so there will be notes of the meeting to share with everyone afterwards.

It will be in the big room at Brian Jackson House, which you have been to before. If you aim to arrive at 10am there will be tea and coffee ready, and we’ll find our places to start at 10.30am.

The event will take us to lunch at 1pm as we have many things to cover, and we want to make the most of having you all there! There will be a break halfway through and snacks on your tables. (Also, everyone’s needs will be a little different so make sure you look after yourselves, and take yourself for a little breather whenever you need to – it doesn’t matter if it’s not when everyone else is on break.

Lunch will be at 1pm and then you are free to go, and we will collate the information from the day to share with you all and the rest of the Network. When you book your place you will be asked if you have any particular access needs that we can help with, and if you’re staying for lunch.

You can watch a video of Noreen explaining what will happen – https://youtu.be/zAASWxmBnr4?si=iZm9mjiiwdqXvHp8

If you have any questions or worries at all about the day please email Mithu – kinetickirklees@gmail.com

If you can’t make it but you wish you could, you can have a look at the questions and send us your thoughts by email by Friday 6th October 2023. You can answer the questions in any way you like – video, writing, drawing, voice note, typing.


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